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Bob Unnold​

Axxun is seeking an investment for the rollout of its unique “transformational technology” application development product, Axxun. The product allows software developers to create, enhance and maintain custom software applications 4 to 10 times faster than industry standards today, e.g., Axxun was used to build a risk analysis system for Gucci in 3 man-months, the competitive bids for the project were 18 and 20 man-months! This savings translates into a corporate customer savings of 50-65% of the total cost of owning a software application. Unlike most development tools, products and platforms, Axxun can be used in any industry, for any application, and can be deployed in the cloud, on local servers, desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.


The Company’s experienced entrepreneurial management team plans to roll out its proven system, i.e., 250 applications with 15,000 end users in Europe… having generated over $30 million in revenue, to developers around the world via the web.

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