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Leo Sullivan, Emmy Award Winner


“Afro Kids” by Emmy Award winner Leo Sullivan. One of the pioneering Black animators who helped lead the revolution of positive Black animated characters during the 1970's. He is now the President/CEO of Leo Sullivan Multimedia, which produces educational and entertaining media for children ages 5 to 17 years.


Building our children’s character is important as to how they relate in sports.  Our Afrokids® website digital media products specialize in character building while utilizing visual media through today’s technologies.



Because of the changes in demographics and emphasis of the current educational systems and programming content, we feel that the African American has again been placed in the back of the bus.  Therefore, our focus is on the African American market with parents, caregivers, and relatives of children 4 years to 12 years of age who need to feel proud of themselves and their heritage.




Leo Sullivan Multimedia, Inc.’s Afrokids® subscription website will address the growth and social awareness of youth through character building content for digital distribution.


This is an opportunity to combine both education and programming to meet the needs of the African American family by providing positive images that will engage, educate and entertain young minds.




Potential profit


Monetization through the following efforts will aid in turning a profit by marketing to the mobile device universe to include our niche market, African American families with children 4 years to 12 years of age and educational institutions.  Take advantage of every resource on the internet that will allow us to promote/distribute our digital media products and also, utilize traditional media as necessary.


Market size


The market size was compiled from the U. S. 2014 Census data and Nielsen marketing data based on scaled installed counts within the quarter and smartphone penetration based on Nielsen Mobile Insights.


According to the U. S. 2014 Census data, there are 42 million African Americans of which 13.8 percent is under the age of 18 years old.  Nielsen marketing data indicates that of the total population of African Americans in third quarter 2016, 61% owned tablets, 93% owned smartphones, and 71% owned a PC.  Nielsen data on App usage in fourth quarter 2014 indicates that 30.4 percent African Americans used apps on their smartphones for at least 42:58 minutes per user.


Market share


The potential market share in the first year is 1% of the total e-learning market ($23.0 million).



Growth rate


The growth rate  of the game based learning market  (Ambient Insight data) is projected to grow from $1.5 billion in 2012 to $2.3 billion in 2017.




In a broader since our competition Disney, PBS, ABC Mouse, and other companies that digitally distribute educational learning over the internet.  Very little, if any, address the needs of our target audience- the African American family.


Because of the rapid growth of the World Wide Web internet, competition for increased audiences depends primarily on quality content and selective programming, viewer acceptance, and public reaction.  Leo Sullivan Multimedia, Inc. believes that its strongest competitive advantages are:  (1)  The quality and vision of its African American youth oriented programming; (2)  the African American cultural network nature regarding how programming is broadcasted; (3)  competitive advertising packages and rates; (4)  cross promotional and advertising opportunities with other media; and, (5)  the company’s technology plan that will provide its affiliates tools to manage their co-operative websites.


Execution Plan


Leo Sullivan Multimedia, Inc. has established an online digital media subscription website that will be used to promote, distribute, and sale our digital assets.  The current marketing objective is to create a branded online presence that presents our digital media products for the African American family through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) enrichment of the subscription website, Social Media Marketing, direct e-mail newsletters, and press releases sent to both online and off line publications.  This will allow us to:  (a)  connect to a wider audience of potential subscribers;  (b)  spread the brand and increase subscriber engagement;  (c)  increase subscription of the website.  The e-learning apps will also be available for purchase through mobile device distribution channels.


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